Measure up! - A Skogforsk Guide to Harvester Measurement

Every day, timber, pulpwood and energy wood representing large economic values are harvested in forests. In order to maximise timber value, and to minimise waste when making specific products, the harvester must be able to measure the length and diameter of the stem with great accuracy. This requires smooth-running technology, correct settings and an efficient working method.
As operator, you play an important role in ensuring that the harvester is measuring accurately. It is your manual control measurement of stems that is the result against which the machine is adjusted. Correct use of the calliper
and meticulous measurement of length during checks and calibration are vital if the harvester is to measure really well.
The guide "Measure Up!" aim to provide an overview of how the measurement system on the harvester works, and to show how you can work systematically with checks and adjustment of the measurement system.
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