
Forest operations business
Seems for improved productivity and generosity. Includes technology, methods and organization for all operations and range of forestry. Program manager: Petrus Jönsson
Tree breeding
Responsible for sustainable processing of forest trees. Also conducts FoI for more efficient operational processing and for effective seed production in seedlings. Program manager: Thomas Kraft
Forest management
Develops knowledge about forest management for different goals. The program's research includes production, growth, quality, environmental impact, injury risks and efficient nature conservation. Program manager: Erik Ling
Value-adding ecosystem services
Develops technology, methods and systems to optimize the value of the raw material from the forest, based on market orientation and customer order management. Program manager: Maria Iwarsson Wide
Digital transformation and forest planning
The process takes advantage of digitization opportunities and develops decision support, standards, remote sensing estimates and more for sustainable forestry. Program manager: Maria Nordström