How to learn knowledge in the best way? What knowledge should you learn? In the NEXTFOOD project, 13 different countries on 3 continents ask themselves these questions.

"The NEXTFOOD approach"

The challenges of sustainability are complex. How do we go from theory to reality and how do we get reality into theory?

This is something that the "NEXTFOOD approach" is trying to find effective strategies for. In the project we try to find ways of circular learning where teachers and students have just as much to offer each other. Today, there is a tradition of theory as the starting point for learning, both for teachers and students. In order to fulfill the project's goals, we need to create new ways of acquiring knowledge, where theory and practice are valued equally. In the NEXTFOOD project different ways of exchanging knowledge are tested to create the new normal in knowledge learning for future professionals in agriculture and forestry. The project can contribute to knowledge of how to effectively plan, apply and improve today's education model. The NEXTFOOD model is applied and developed in a number of case studies around the world in agriculture and forestry.


In the Swedish case study, a team of machine operators, forestry officials and researchers with expertise in the field of mechanized logging, biodiversity and nature considerations participate. All participants are expected to contribute their own knowledge and experience. In the case study, four meetings are planned in such a way that all participants have the same space to contribute. The meetings are followed by a researcher and are evaluated on an ongoing basis. Each evaluation leads to improvement of the conditions for subsequent meetings. In this way, we gradually develop good and effective learning environments where everyone can learn from each other.


Read more about the project or what the other countries are studying by visiting NEXTFOOD's website.