Forestry faces the challenge of reducing carbon emissions without losing competitiveness. More energy-efficient road transport by heavier and longer vehicles are part of the solution.

The results of the previous project has shown that longer and heavier vehicles can handle transport along existing roads. Carbon dioxide emissions and transportation costs can be reduced by 20 percent without compromising road safety or increase road wear.

But we need more studies to confirm the results. More people must have the opportunity to see how the vehicles operate in traffic and gain knowledge of how they affect road safety and the environment.

In the project efficient trucking that is interacting with rail is tested to achieve maximum impact and environmental benefit.

Chips and round wood transport to power plants, pulp mills and sawmills can increase the use of forest-based raw materials in Sweden, contributing to a more profitable forestry and thus actively contribute in the transition to a bio-based and sustainable society based on renewable raw materials.

Read more in the broschure "ETT - Modular system for timber transport"

Project news
The work on energy efficient timber vehicles is moving on. Now we take a look at how reduced air drag can reduce fuel consumption.
Niklas Fogdestam, Researcher