Advanced Virtual Aptitude and Training Application in Real-time.


Modern forest machines have a complex user interface, demanding up to 3 500 actuations/h. The performance rate is high and high value recovery from wood is necessary for profitability, while natural conservation, cultural heritage, terrain factors etc. is considered.


The AVATAR-project develops operator support through feed-back on operational skill, methods, value recovery, measurement and bucking as well as improved navigation and communication between harvester and forwarder. The project builds on integrating new knowledge with existing data and knowledge.

AVATAR supports operator training and the emerging bio-economy through:

- real-time support for (inexperienced) operators

- lowered mental work load for all categories o operators

- broadened recruitment pool, by simplified and less stressful operator work

- identifying characteristics of skillful operation, which may be integrated and used in the support system

- increasing the performance potential, leading to lower feedstock costs and increased sector profitability

- improved data supply, precision and quality of forest operations in the EU

Project structure and organization

The project is structured into eight Work Packages:

WP1: Development of algorithms identifying favourable work patterns

WP2: Test and implementation of sensors describing machine motions and operating environment

WP3: Feedback on the measurement accuracy and value recovery system of the harvesting head

WP4: Support for improved cooperation of the harvester - forwarder team

WP5 & WP6: Design, development and evaluation of "AVATAR - the digital coach"

WP7 & WP8: Communication and management




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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 773324